Qualifying RoundSpots AllocatedPre-Qualified AnglersBumped Anglers
Hobie Kayak Bream Australian Championship Series 11 - St Georges Basin, NSW1Kris Hickson
Round 1 Bemm River, VIC 20205Nick Mace, Jason Deenen, Richard Patterson, Tom McLean, Mark Young
Series 13 Round 1 - Nicholson River, VIC3Jayden Dihood, Richard Somerton, Simon Morley
Series 13 Round 2 - St Georges Basin, NSW3Sean Hill, Epineha Cribb, Bradley Hart
Series 13 Round 3 - Nambucca Heads, NSW3 Simon Morley (PQ R01) , Karl Stait, Terry Grima Tony Pettie
Series 13 Round 4 - Forster, NSW4Russell Babekuhl, Steven Pryke, Wade Walker, Justin Pugh
Series 13 Round 6 - Blackwood River, WA3Alex Greisdorf, Joseph Gardner, Ruan Van Der Berg
Series 13 Round 7 - Swan River, WA3Cullen Di Mattina, Shane Owens, Francis Di Mattina,
Series 13 Round 8 - Gold Coast, QLDcancelled
Series 13 Round 9 - Georges River, NSWcancelled
Series 13 Round 10 - Burrill Lake, NSWcancelled
Series 13 Round 5 - Mallacoota, VICcancelled
Series 13 Round 11 - Bemm River, VIC5, as stated in the Facebook Australia Day Live Australian Championship anncouncement at the 4:30 markDylan Pace, Joel Crosbie, Andrew Hancox, Joshua Nicholls, Glenn Allen
Series 13 Round 12 - Little Swanport, TAS5, as stated in the Facebook Australia Day Live Australian Championship anncouncement at the 4:30 markJon Chen, Tony Pettie (PQ R03) , Alan Lister, Jonty Krushka, Cullen Di Mattina (PQ R07) Byron Hill , Josh Carpenter
Series 13 Round 13 - Swan River, TAS5, as stated in the Facebook Australia Day Live Australian Championship anncouncement at the 4:30 markAndrew Krushka, Alan Lister (PQ R12) , Jonty Krushka (PQ R12) , David Shanahan, Steven Pryke (PQ R04) Tony Pettie (PQ R03) , Simon Morley (PQ R01) , Josh Carpenter (PQ R12) , Jack Gammie , Allen Parish , Cullen Di Mattina (PQ R07) , Jon Chen (PQ R12) , David Ayton
Series 13 Round 14 - Woy Woy, NSW5, as stated in the Facebook Australia Day Live Australian Championship anncouncement at the 4:30 markDarcy Harding, Steven Pryke (PQ R04) , Corey Gallagher, Ryan Honeybrook, Francis Di Mattina (PQ R07) John Couri, Richard Patterson (PQ R02) , Andrew Hancox (PQ R11) , Cedric Lopez