Hobie Fishing Series 12 Status Update

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On behalf of the Hobie Tournament Team, it is with much disappointment that I officially announce that the remainder of HOBIE KAYAK FISHING SERIES 12 presented by DAIWA has been cancelled. To this point the tournament team had maintained a vague sense of optimism that the series may have continued with exceptionally strict COVIDsafe practices set in place. However, the inevitable reality is, that with the most recent advice issued by NSW Health, the team has been left with no other option other than to cancel the remainder of the series. During the lead up to this difficult decision numerous discussions had taken place and various scenarios were put forward, with the hope of developing a plan that would allow us to move forward with the series in a safe manner. Unfortunately, that planning was to no avail. While CPR or APP driven events limit or remove the need for contact while competing, they do not eliminate the risk during travel or while accessing goods and services competitors may access to participate in a tournament. Despite a cautious approach, which I am certain all anglers would have practised, anglers would need to make direct contact with personnel at multiple businesses along the way and at the event location, further increasing the risk to those contacts and also to the anglers. Our social and moral responsibilities during these times far outweigh any commercial venture. It is clearly apparent that no one is “immune”, either personally or in the business environment, during this COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, throughout the remainder of the year and in the lead up to series 13 in 2021, Hobie will continue to promote the sponsorship group that have supported our national series. The Hobie Media Department will provide support through various marketing and social media campaigns, aimed at encouraging our Hobie Club members, our social media followers, and the extensive Hobie community to support these brands through this difficult time. The Hobie Tournament Team aims to keep in touch with individuals, companies, and organisations associated with the Hobie Fishing Series, and we will advise you of the moment the team deems it is safe to return. I trust you accept that the measures which we have put in place are in the best interests of all concerned, including our participating anglers, our loyal sponsors, and the wider community. Thank you, for your understanding. Chris Purnell For, and on, behalf of the Hobie Tournament Team


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Hobie Livewells

The Hobie Livewell range is used for storage of live bait, or caught fish, that fits onto the rear storage wells of most MirageDrive® Pedal Kayaks.

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